The Celiac Profile is a comprehensive serologic profile that uses widely accepted immunologic biomarkers to aid in the diagnosis of Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. This test can be added to any other immunology profile.
The following markers are included in this Add-on assessment:
IgA and IgG Antibodies against Deamidated Gliadin Peptides: antibodies against partially broken-down gliadin molecules that stimulate a T cell antibody response in susceptible individuals
Anti-DGP IgA
Anti-DGP IgG
IgA and IgG Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibodies: antibodies against the anti-tissue transglutaminase enzyme which is released in response to inflammation
Anti-tTG IgA
Anti-tTG IgG
Total IgA
Anti-EMA IgA (IgA Anti-Endomysial Antibodies)
This panel includes serum antibodies against groups of antibodies that have been shown to have a high clinical correlation with the diagnosis of celiac disease. [1., 2.]
Compared to the gold standard for diagnosis of celiac disease, an intestinal biopsy and pathology, this serum test is a much less invasive and still highly-specific and sensitive alternative to understanding whether a patient suffering with digestive and exta-intestinal manifestations may be living with celiac disease. [1., 2.]
A variety of individuals may benefit from the Add-On: Celiac Profile by Genova Diagnostics:
Individuals experiencing symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort including gas, bloating, loose stool
People with malabsorption issues and/or unexplained nutrient deficiencies
Individuals with a family history of celiac disease
People with autoimmune conditions
Hashimotoβs thyroiditis patients with an increased need for T4 due to malabsorption issues
People suspected of having celiac disease, who want to avoid a biopsy procedure
This test is an add-on test to any other immunology profile offered by Genova Diagnostics. For a complete list of collection instructions, click here.
[1.] Jafari SA, Alami A, Sedghi N, Kianifar H, Kiani MA, Khalesi M, Derafshi R. Diagnostic accuracy of anti-DGP (IgG) for celiac disease. J Family Med Prim Care. 2023 Jan;12(1):42-46. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_326_22. Epub 2023 Feb 15. PMID: 37025242; PMCID: PMC10071923.
[2.] Ortiz G, Messere G, Toca MDC, Fiorucci M, Bigliardi R, Vidal J, Reynoso R. IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies and IgG antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptides as predictors of celiac disease. Arch Argent Pediatr. 2019 Feb 1;117(1):52-55. English, Spanish. doi: 10.5546/aap.2019.eng.52. PMID: 30652447.
[3.] Sedhom R, Katz K. Celiac Disease and Treatment of Hypothyroidism: An Unappreciated Problem: 2049. Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG. 2016;111:S978. Accessed February 20, 2024.
The Celiac Profile is a comprehensive serologic profile that uses widely accepted immunologic biomarkers to aid in the diagnosis of Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. This test can be added to any other immunology profile.