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An Overview of Menopausal Women and the DUTCH Complete Test
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An Overview of Menopausal Women and the DUTCH Complete Test

January 31, 2024
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In 2024, Rupa in conjunction with Dr. Carrie Jones and Dr. Debbie Rice from Precision Analytical Inc will be co-hosting the Perimenopause and Menopause Bootcamp!

​This live class is an introduction to reading the DUTCH Complete Test on menopausal women.

​What’s happening in the body from perimenopause to menopause?

​What is the menopausal range?

​Is estrogen detoxification managed differently in menopause?

​And how do you read the test if someone is on hormone replacement therapy?

​Join us as we read over each of the main pages of the DUTCH

​You'll Learn:

  • ​Understand how to briefly read the DUTCH Complete of a woman in menopause
  • ​Learn the difference between the purple box for the menopausal range vs the gap vs the green luteal range
  • ​Choose the right support for estrogen metabolism if estradiol and estrone are in the menopausal range
  • ​Learn the basics of using the DUTCH Complete if someone is on estrogens and progesterone as hormone replacement therapy.

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