Micronutrient testing is often considered for individuals with signs and symptoms that may suggest vitamin/mineral deficiency, digestive conditions that affect absorption, and a history of restrictive eating patterns. Conventional labs don't typically offer panels that assess multiple micronutrient levels, and often these markers aren't covered by insurance. Piecing together a standard lab order with many nutrient markers can become costly and may not accurately reflect long-term nutritional status and cellular functionality.
Labs utilize various testing methods to assess nutritional status; specialty lab panels vary in their assessment practices. Determining what information you are looking for will help determine which lab to order. This article will discuss four popular specialty micronutrient tests available to order through Rupa Health.
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What is Micronutrient Testing?
Micronutrient testing is a specialty lab panel designed to assess a person's nutritional status by measuring levels of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. These panels usually combine direct and functional markers of various nutrients to screen for deficiencies, evaluate for optimal nutrient status, and assess how micronutrients work in the body at a cellular level.
Micronutrient test results can help tailor dietary suggestions to the person's biochemical and cellular needs and identify when nutritional supplements might be appropriate to support diet and lifestyle habits. Micronutrient testing can help optimize the nutritional platform on which a person's health stands and reduce the use of unnecessary supplements.
Which Individuals is Micronutrient Testing Best Used For?
Functional doctors typically follow a therapeutic order in their treatment decisions, intending to use the least force necessary to stimulate change toward health and well-being. The first principle within this order is establishing and strengthening the foundations of health, including clean water, physical activity, adequate sleep, socialization, and nutrition.
Our diets should provide our bodies with the nutrients required for optimal living. Dietary choices impact our health on the cellular level. The Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of over-processed foods lacking in the micronutrients and phytochemicals needed by the body to maintain optimal health. Even with adopting healthy lifestyle practices, environmental factors can impact how the body digests food and absorbs micronutrients on a gross and cellular level - meaning, you can live a healthy lifestyle and still have a suboptimal nutrient status.
That being said, micronutrient testing can be ordered for anyone wanting to be proactive in their health, screen for nutritional deficiencies, optimize performance, and support healthy aging.
Micronutrient testing also plays a role in managing certain health conditions. These may include, but are not limited to:
- Digestive malabsorption disorders
- Chronic fatigue and stress
- Chronic pain
- Infertility
- Mood disorders
- Cardiovascular and metabolic health concerns
Micronutrient levels can affect metabolism and influence weight management, so those seeking weight management support may also find micronutrient testing beneficial.
Rupa Health's Top Popular Micronutrient Test Overview
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Cellular Micronutrient Assay from Cell Science Systems
The Cellular Micronutrient Assay is Cell Science Systems' micronutrient panel for younger individuals that assesses the long-term micronutrient status of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and fatty acids.
What Does The Cellular Micronutrient Assay from Cell Science Systems Measure?
This assay measures the cellular need for 55 tested analytes by assessing the direct response of the white blood cells when micronutrients are added to them. Tested analytes are reported as follows:
- Vitamins: Biotin, Delta tocotrienol, MK4, MK7, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K1
- Minerals: Boron, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Strontium, Vanadium, Zinc
- Amino Acids: Arginine, Asparagine, Cysteine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, L-Glutamine, L-Serine, L-Tyrosine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Taurine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine
- Other Nutrients: Carnitine, Choline, Coenzyme Q10, Glutathione, Inositol, Lipoic Acid, Omega 3 DHA, Omega 3 EPA, Omega 9
What Makes This Test Popular?
- It is designed for the pediatric and early-adolescent populations.
- Easy-to-interpret test reports nutrients as "sufficient," "borderline," and "insufficient." Borderline and insufficient nutrients are accompanied by educational commentary.
When Should You Consider This Test?
- You suspect nutrient deficiencies in individuals 9-14 years old.
- Cost is an inhibiting factor for your patient.
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Metabolomix+ Test from Genova
Metabolomix+ from Genova is a two-in-one organic acid and micronutrient panel that evaluates metabolic function and nutritional status extensively. Metabolomix+ requires non-invasive sample collections from the patient, and the test panel is customizable with optional fatty acid, toxic and nutritional elements, and genetic testing options.
What Does The Metabolomix+ Test from Genova Measure?
The basic Metabolomix+ is broken down into three main categories:
- Organic acids assess digestive function, intestinal dysbiosis, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitter status, oxalate production, detoxification, and vitamin levels.
- Oxidative stress markers quantify cellular inflammation and damage to identify the need for antioxidant support.
- Urinary amino acids reflect recent protein intake, assess for protein malabsorption, and identify nutritional insufficiencies that can impair protein metabolism.
Optional test add-ons include:
- Blood spot finger prick to measure red blood cell omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, saturated, and monounsaturated fatty acid levels. Includes ratios and the Omega-3 Index to quantify cardiovascular risk.
- An additional 20 toxic and 15 mineral urinary elements
- Patient-collected cheek swab to identify up to four genetic SNPs (MTHFR, COMT, TNF-a, and APOE)
What Makes This Test Popular?
- The user-friendly report is easily interpreted and contains educational resources, graphics, and a functional scoring system to help analyze and prioritize treatment suggestions.
- This test combines organic acid and micronutrient testing into one.
- Genova offers optional test add-ons to customize the panel to your patient's needs.
- Test collection is non-invasive and does not require a phlebotomist to perform a blood draw.
When Should You Consider This Test?
- Your patient is over two years old.
- You would like to order a functional nutritional assessment that incorporates the measurement of organic acids and micronutrients.
- Your patient is averse to blood draws.
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Micronutrient Test from SpectraCell
The Micronutrient Test from SpectraCell utilizes intracellular white blood cell nutrient measurements to assess cellular function. Intracellular micronutrient levels reflect the long-term nutritional status of the cells to identify nutritional imbalances that may contribute to chronic health issues and suboptimal function.
What Does The Micronutrient Test from SpectraCell Measure?
This Micronutrient Test measures 31 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, and metabolites. Analytes by category include:
- Vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folate, Pantothenate, Biotin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K
- Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper
- Amino Acids and Metabolites: Serine, Glutamine, Asparagine, Choline, Inositol, Carnitine
- Antioxidants: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Coenzyme Q10, Glutathione, Cysteine, Selenium, Vitamin E
- Carbohydrate Metabolism: Fructose Sensitivity, Glucose-Insulin Interaction, Chromium
Spectrox is SpectraCell's measurement of the lymphocyte's ability to resist oxidative stress and quantifies the total antioxidant function.
Immunidex is SpectraCell's measured indicator of how well a person's immune system responds to stressors.
What Makes This Test Popular?
- SpectraCell is one of the original specialty labs to offer comprehensive intracellular micronutrient testing.
- SpectraCell's unique Spectrox and Immunidex scores provide additional information regarding how well cells manage oxidative stress and launch immune responses.
When Should You Consider This Test?
- You want a functional intracellular nutritional assessment to guide personalized dietary and supplemental suggestions for supporting health and wellness.
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Micronutrient levels are important for overall health and can influence various aspects of well-being. Micronutrient imbalances can exist and affect cellular function even in individuals without noticeable symptoms. Specialty nutrient testing offers an assessment of nutritional status and metabolism for individuals wishing to address imbalances before they lead to health concerns. Rupa Health offers easy ordering access to many micronutrient panels. Click here to view a comparison guide of all four tests discussed in this article.