Understanding high calprotectin levels is important for gaining insights into various gastrointestinal issues, particularly those related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which affects approximately 3 million adults in the United States. Calprotectin is a calcium-binding protein found in neutrophils, a type of white blood cell. When there's inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, neutrophils move to the affected area and release calprotectin. This protein can then be measured in stool samples to assess the level of intestinal inflammation.
Elevated calprotectin levels can be an important indicator. They may suggest the presence and even the severity of gastrointestinal disorders, including but not limited to IBD. These elevated levels might also be an early sign for other serious gastrointestinal issues. Accurate interpretation of calprotectin levels is vital for timely and effective diagnosis and management. This article will provide a comprehensive look at calprotectin, helping you understand its role in the body and what high levels could mean for your health.
Understanding Calprotectin
Calprotectin is a calcium- and zinc-binding protein mainly found in neutrophils and distributed throughout the human body. Its presence in stool indicates neutrophil migration into the gastrointestinal tissue due to inflammation. Functioning as a key biomarker, calprotectin's concentration in feces correlates with intestinal inflammation, making it a useful tool for assessing various gastrointestinal issues.
In the context of the gastrointestinal tract, calprotectin plays a role in differentiating between IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). The former involves chronic episodes of inflammation in the digestive tract, whereas the latter is non-inflammatory in nature. The elevated levels of fecal calprotectin can guide diagnostic and management decisions, particularly in distinguishing these two conditions that often present with similar symptoms (2,3).
Calprotectin also has a broader role in the immune response. It induces cell receptor expression involved in migration, adhesion, and phagocytosis of neutrophils and is implicated in the innate immune system as a damage-associated molecular pattern protein. Although it's a very sensitive marker for gastrointestinal inflammation, it's not specific to any particular disease. Elevated levels can also occur in cases of gastrointestinal infections, peptic ulcers, colorectal cancer, and even due to the use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Therefore, while calprotectin is a valuable tool, it is usually used alongside other diagnostic measures for a comprehensive understanding of a patient's condition (2,3).
Causes of Elevated Calprotectin Levels
Elevated calprotectin levels can signal a variety of conditions and factors. The most well-known of these is IBD, which includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In IBD, high levels of calprotectin often correlate with disease severity. Calprotectin is released by neutrophils and other immune cells at the site of gut inflammation, as well as by epithelial cells in the intestinal lining (2,3).
Beyond IBD, infections are another significant contributor to elevated calprotectin levels. These include bacterial infections like Salmonella and Clostridioides difficile, which often lead to much higher calprotectin levels than viral infections such as rotavirus or norovirus. In these instances, calprotectin serves as an acute phase reactant, increasing as part of the body's initial immune response (2,3).
Other inflammatory conditions, including skin disorders like psoriasis and lung conditions, also contribute to increased calprotectin. It appears that S100A8 and S100A9, proteins that form calprotectin, drive inflammation in these other organ systems, such as the skin and lungs. These proteins also play a role in tissue damage associated with diseases like tuberculosis and gout. In addition to these conditions, various subunit configurations of calprotectin can have distinct influences on cellular pathways, particularly in inflammation and tumorigenesis (growth of cancer cells) (2,3).
Importance of Calprotectin Testing
The role of calprotectin testing in the management of gastrointestinal conditions, particularly IBD, is becoming increasingly central. Diagnosis of IBD traditionally relies on a combination of diagnostic methods, including invasive and often uncomfortable endoscopy. Compared to endoscopy, calprotectin testing is cheaper, faster, and significantly more convenient for the patient. Furthermore, endoscopy procedures may even require hospitalization for bowel cleansing, making them not only invasive but also costly and time-consuming (2).
Calprotectin testing offers a non-invasive, reliable, and cost-effective alternative for evaluating mucosal inflammation. This test can help healthcare providers decide whether a patient truly requires an invasive endoscopic procedure, possibly avoiding unnecessary interventions. It's particularly useful in children, where it has demonstrated high sensitivity and reasonable specificity in assessing suspected pediatric IBD (2,3).
Although calprotectin is useful in distinguishing between IBD and IBS, it's not a definitive tool. It doesn't differentiate between Crohn's and ulcerative colitis or pinpoint lesion locations in the intestine. However, the overall advantages make it a significant tool in the diagnostic and monitoring toolkit for gastrointestinal issues (2).
How to Test For Calprotectin Levels
Testing for calprotectin levels is done through stool analysis, which provides a non-invasive and patient-friendly method for detecting signs of gastrointestinal inflammation. The process usually involves collecting a small sample of fecal matter at home using a kit provided by your provider. This sample is then shipped to a laboratory for analysis.
Several comprehensive stool tests, such as the GI-MAP, GI Effects, and Gut Zoomer 3.0, include calprotectin as a biomarker. These tests offer a broad view of gastrointestinal health, examining a variety of other factors like bacterial balance, yeast, and parasites. Including calprotectin in these comprehensive panels offers the advantage of understanding its levels in the context of other gastrointestinal variables.
If you're primarily interested in calprotectin, focused tests solely measuring this biomarker are also available. Alternatively, some labs allow you to add calprotectin testing onto other types of stool chemistry profiles.
Interpreting High Calprotectin Levels
In healthy people, calprotectin levels typically fall between 10 and 50 µg/g. Elevated calprotectin levels, particularly those surpassing 600 µg/g, may suggest the presence of IBD. Moreover, readings above 150 µg/g commonly indicate active disease or flare-ups in patients previously diagnosed with IBD. On the other hand, a calprotectin range of 100-200 µg/g presents a diagnostic gray area, often necessitating additional tests and evaluations to differentiate between IBD and functional bowel disorders (3,8).
While elevated calprotectin is a significant flag for IBD, it is not exclusive to these conditions. Other gastrointestinal issues like gastroenteritis, diverticular disease, and even certain cancers can also cause elevated levels. Therefore, a complete clinical context is essential for an accurate interpretation of these test results (2,3).

Conditions Associated with High Calprotectin Levels
Elevated levels of calprotectin in the stool serve as a significant biomarker for various gastrointestinal conditions. Calprotectin is sensitive in detecting inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, although it is not highly specific for any single condition. Here's an in-depth look at conditions that are commonly linked with high calprotectin levels (3):
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis fall under the umbrella of IBD, characterized by chronic inflammation in the digestive tract. Elevated calprotectin levels are often seen in these conditions, primarily because neutrophilic inflammation is a hallmark feature. While the marker is sensitive, it's worth noting that high calprotectin levels alone cannot confirm an IBD diagnosis; they indicate a need for further diagnostic evaluation.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Contrary to IBD, IBS is not an inflammatory condition. However, calprotectin levels can sometimes be moderately elevated in IBS, often complicating the diagnostic process. Thus, elevated calprotectin levels in a patient with symptoms suggestive of IBS may warrant additional testing to rule out other conditions like IBD.
Gastrointestinal Infections
Various bacterial infections such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Clostridioides difficile are associated with substantially high levels of calprotectin in the stool. These elevated levels correlate with the severity of the infection. Viral infections like rotavirus or norovirus usually present with lower but still elevated concentrations compared to healthy controls.
Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition where the ingestion of gluten, a protein found in wheat, leads to damage in the small intestine. Elevated calprotectin levels can also be seen in this condition, although they are not solely indicative of Celiac disease. Further diagnostic tests, like tissue transglutaminase antibodies, are typically required.
Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer may also show increased levels of fecal calprotectin. This is likely due to a local inflammatory response around the cancerous tissue. However, high calprotectin levels alone are not sufficient for a cancer diagnosis; they simply indicate the need for more specific tests such as colonoscopy.
Approaches for Managing Elevated Calprotectin
Elevated levels of fecal calprotectin are often viewed through a lens that seeks to address the root causes of gastrointestinal inflammation rather than just alleviating symptoms. Customized management strategies may include a combination of dietary adjustments and targeted nutritional supplementation. For instance, anti-inflammatory diets such as the Mediterranean diet may help support a reduction in inflammation and, consequently, calprotectin levels. Nutritional supplements such as probiotics, zinc, and vitamin D may also be integrated into the management plan to support gut health and immune function.
Nutritional Considerations
Dietary changes, specifically adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, have been shown to positively impact calprotectin levels. This diet is abundant in fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, and healthy fats, such as olive oil, and minimizes saturated fats and processed foods. Following this eating pattern has not only been associated with a reduction in fecal calprotectin but also enriches the gut with beneficial bacteria such as Faecalibacterium and Lachnospira. These dietary and microbial shifts may offer a pathway for managing inflammation and other conditions influenced by gut health.
Potentially Helpful Supplements
Dietary supplements like zinc, vitamin D, and probiotics have been shown to influence fecal calprotectin levels. Zinc is known for its role in immune function and its anti-inflammatory properties. Similarly, vitamin D is vital for both bone health and immune function, and it also exhibits anti-inflammatory effects. Probiotics, comprising live bacteria and yeasts, contribute to gut health and display anti-inflammatory characteristics. These supplements could potentially play a role in managing inflammation and other gut-related conditions.
Monitoring Progress
In terms of disease monitoring, calprotectin levels have been shown to correlate highly with endoscopic scores of inflammatory disease activity. This suggests that calprotectin can serve as a reliable marker for tracking disease progression or remission, and its results can guide management strategies. Calprotectin testing has the additional benefit of being effective for monitoring disease activity during special circumstances, like pregnancy, where other markers may be unreliable (2).
As inflammation subsides due to effective management, it's likely that calprotectin levels will decrease, moving closer to the levels seen in healthy individuals. This downward trend is often a sign that the management approach is working and that the gut is healing, although it's not the only metric for success. It's worth noting that a normalized calprotectin level could also influence ongoing management plans. For instance, some patients with consistent normal levels might be candidates for reduced medication dosages, thereby minimizing potential side effects (2).
Calprotectin is a key biomarker found in stool, helpful in assessing and managing gastrointestinal conditions such as IBD and IBS. This protein is released by neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, during inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. While it serves as a reliable indicator of intestinal inflammation, it is not disease-specific and can also be elevated in various other conditions like infections and even some cancers. Calprotectin testing offers a non-invasive, cost-effective alternative to traditional diagnostic methods like endoscopy, and its levels can also be useful for monitoring management efficacy.