A Whole Person Care Approach
September 6, 2023

A Root Cause Approach To Mercury Toxicity: A Comprehensive Guide

Medically Reviewed by
Updated On
January 23, 2025

Did you know that the food you eat, especially seafood, may contribute to a significant portion of mercury exposure in your body? This information highlights the importance of being mindful of dietary choices. Mercury can potentially affect multiple organ systems in the body. 

As pollution increases, mercury levels may rise as well. Industrial activities can release mercury into water systems, where it is transformed by bacteria and plankton into a form that fish can consume. Humans may then ingest this mercury when eating fish. Larger fish like swordfish and sharks tend to have higher mercury levels. For example, one 4 oz portion of swordfish may contain mercury levels that exceed recommended limits. 

In this article, we'll explore the basics of mercury: what it is, the potential effects of exposure, and some tests that can help assess its impact on the body. Plus, we'll share some dietary tips and discuss supplements and other supportive therapies.


What is Mercury?

Mercury, symbolized as "Hg" on the periodic table, exists in several forms: 

Elemental Mercury 

This silver-white metal is liquid at room temperature and can be found in dental fillings, older thermometers, and electrical equipment. If spilled, it can evaporate, becoming an odorless vapor. 

Inorganic Mercury (Industry-Related)

Inorganic mercury can combine with various elements to form salts, which might be present in water, soil, and the atmosphere due to industrial activities. Historically used in medicines, these salts can still be found in some products like skin creams. 

Methylmercury (Found in Seafood)

Methylmercury is primarily formed when inorganic mercury enters aquatic environments like rivers and seas. Bacteria and plankton transform this mercury into methylmercury, which accumulates in fish. When humans consume these fish, they may be exposed to this form of mercury. 

What is Mercury Toxicity?

Mercury toxicity refers to the potential adverse effects resulting from mercury exposure. It is important to differentiate between mercury toxicity and mercury poisoning, which is a specific condition resulting from excessive mercury exposure.

A predominant cause of mercury exposure is the consumption of methylmercury in seafood. The potential health effects depend on factors like the form of mercury, amount of exposure, age, duration of contact, method of exposure, and overall health. Both elemental and methylmercury may impact the nervous, digestive, and immune systems, as well as the lungs and kidneys. In extreme situations, prolonged exposure could lead to significant health issues. 

Mercury Toxicity Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of mercury exposure can vary depending on the individual, the type of mercury, and the length or quantity of exposure. Some individuals with low-level exposure may not show symptoms. 

  • Anxiety or unease
  • Mood fluctuations or irritability
  • Loss of sensation
  • Challenges with memory
  • Insomnia
  • Shaking or tremors
  • Weakness in muscles
  • Feeling sick or throwing up
  • Unsteadiness or lack of coordination
  • Numbness in areas like the hands or face
  • Alterations in sight, sound, or verbal communication
  • Challenges with respiration
  • Trouble maintaining posture or walking
  • Diminished motor function
  • Cognitive challenges or difficulty in decision-making

What Are The Possible Causes Of Mercury Toxicity?

The causes of mercury exposure can vary. Studies have shown that a major contributor to mercury exposure in humans is the ingestion of food, particularly seafood.


Methylmercury is often associated with seafood. While most dietary sources contain relatively low mercury levels, seafood, particularly fish and shellfish, can have higher concentrations. Research suggests that when methylmercury enters the human system, a significant portion may remain, highlighting its potential for bioaccumulation. Individuals who consume a lot of seafood should be informed about their potential intake. 

Methylmercury’s absorption rates are high, and it spreads across bodily tissues relatively quickly. The elimination of methylmercury is primarily through feces, with a smaller portion excreted in urine. Its persistence is evident in its half-life, which can span several weeks. 

Products and Dental Fillings

Elemental mercury exposure can occur when mercury is released from a broken container or product, allowing it to evaporate into vapor. Potential sources include broken thermometers, certain consumer products, dental amalgams, and some mining practices. 

There is sometimes concern about mercury exposure from dental fillings. Dental amalgams release a small amount of mercury during actions like chewing. However, the mercury from fillings is generally below safety standards. While many foods contain minimal mercury, some fish have higher levels, making them a more common source of mercury for many individuals. 

Other Exposures

Other mercury compounds were previously used in fungicides, preservatives, and antiseptics. While many of these applications have been discontinued, some still exist. Mercury is also present in some skin-lightening and anti-aging products manufactured abroad but sold illegally in the U.S. Overusing these products can lead to excessive mercury exposure. 

Functional Medicine Labs to Test for Mercury Exposure

Functional medicine labs offer a variety of tests that can help tailor management strategies for individuals.

Heavy Metal Testing

When testing for mercury exposure, it's important to remember that levels found in blood, hair, and urine mainly show recent exposure and don't truly represent the total mercury present in the entire body. Since mercury stays in the blood for only a short time before it's either expelled or settles in organs, levels found in testing may not truly reflect total body burden. 

Heavy Metal Testing - Urine

Urine tests are primarily useful for those who might have been exposed to metallic or inorganic mercury compounds. The advantage of urine tests is their stability and simplicity. Inorganic mercury is predominantly reflected in urine, whereas organic forms like methylmercury are primarily excreted through feces. Persistent high concentrations in the urine can indicate long-term exposure. 

Heavy Metal Testing - Blood

When an individual is suspected of recent mercury exposure or consumes seafood regularly, blood mercury concentration testing can be helpful. This is because blood levels can provide insight into both recent and chronic mercury exposure. Shortly after a brief exposure, blood mercury concentrations may spike, necessitating immediate testing. For those who've experienced chronic exposure, blood mercury levels can remain elevated. 

Heavy Metal Testing - Hair

Hair tests assess chronic exposure to methylmercury and are especially recommended for pregnant women, as elevated levels can pose a risk to the fetus. Mercury's presence in hair is a long-term indicator, as once mercury binds to the hair, it remains permanently. 

Comprehensive Stool Test

Exposure to toxic metals, like mercury, can potentially disrupt gut microbiota and affect gut health. A comprehensive gastrointestinal test, which measures microbiota imbalances and gut integrity markers, can be helpful for assessing the impact of mercury on gut health. Utilizing such a test can help guide interventions to support gut balance after exposure.

Nutritional Testing

Nutritional assessment is a valuable tool for identifying potential deficiencies that may enhance susceptibility to mercury exposure. Evaluating the levels of key nutrients like selenium and zinc can provide insights into their role in supporting the body's natural detoxification processes.

Organic Acid Testing

Organic acid testing can help identify imbalances in detoxification or metabolic pathways that may be contributing to mercury exposure. This test measures the levels of organic acids in the urine, which can provide insight into how the body is metabolizing nutrients and detoxifying substances.

Hs-CRP Testing

Studies have shown a correlation between elevated inflammation in the body and mercury exposure. 

Additional Lab Tests 

For a comprehensive evaluation of potential mercury exposure, a series of clinical laboratory tests might be prescribed. While most outpatient tests offer a general mercury measure without differentiating its forms, additional assessments, including renal and hepatic function tests, ECG, and neuropsychological evaluations, can provide a broader picture. These results can be influenced by factors other than mercury, so it's essential to interpret them in conjunction with known exposure and observed symptoms. 


Conventional Approaches for Mercury Exposure

When there's a suspicion of mercury exposure in a patient, conventional approaches focus on obtaining a comprehensive history of their exposure, identifying and eliminating any ongoing sources of mercury, and monitoring their respiratory and cardiovascular systems. For less symptomatic cases, removal of the source of mercury is advised. If there's evidence of inorganic mercury ingestion, monitoring its progression through the GI tract using X-rays is important, and any resultant symptoms should be managed appropriately. Chelating agents may be considered for severe cases. 

Functional Medicine Approaches for Mercury Exposure

In functional medicine, a multifaceted approach is often used for mercury exposure. This may include a combination of targeted nutrition, supplements, and complementary practices. 

Nutrition To Support Mercury Exposure Management

Mercury exposure, predominantly from seafood, may affect gut health due to its absorption in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Addressing mercury exposure nutritionally can involve two main strategies: limiting mercury intake by choosing low-mercury fish and supporting gut health. A healthy gut microbiome plays a role in mitigating the effects of mercury. Studies have shown that the absence of beneficial gut bacteria may increase mercury accumulation in critical organs. 

In the face of mercury exposure, embracing a nutrient-rich diet can be a critical part of supporting gut health. Anti-inflammatory diets, focusing on foods like leafy greens, berries, nuts, and fatty fish, can provide essential nutrients and support gut health. Similarly, the Mediterranean diet, characterized by its high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and olive oil, coupled with moderate fish and poultry intake, can be beneficial. Rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, the Mediterranean diet may promote a balanced and diverse gut microbiome.

Supplements & Herbs To Support Mercury Exposure Management

Supplements that may help support the body's response to mercury exposure include:


Mercury can affect gut health by impacting beneficial bacteria. Probiotics may help support healthy bacteria levels in the gut.


Mercury has a high affinity for selenium, which can help redirect mercury away from sensitive areas like the brain. Selenium, found in foods such as Brazil nuts, may play a protective role in the body.


Zinc may play a protective role against mercury exposure. Studies have shown that zinc can help counteract mercury's effects. Individuals with higher mercury levels may exhibit reduced zinc levels, highlighting zinc's potential role in supporting the body's defenses.


Glutathione may offer support against the effects of mercury exposure. It has antioxidant properties and may assist in detoxifying heavy metals like mercury.

Complementary and Integrative Practices To Support Mercury Exposure Management

Mercury exposure is linked to inflammation in the body. Stress-reducing methods like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation may help support the body's response to inflammation. Regular exercise can also support overall health and well-being. These techniques may indirectly support the body's resilience against the effects of mercury exposure. 

Saunas, which have been used in various cultures worldwide, promote sweating and may be a supportive tool for aiding the body's natural detoxification processes. Some studies suggest that the body might excrete mercury through sweat. 



In summary, mercury exposure, predominantly from seafood, may pose a risk to human health due to its absorption and potential effects on various organ systems. Mercury, found in forms like elemental mercury, inorganic mercury, and methylmercury, accumulates in seafood, making it a primary source of exposure. Mercury toxicity refers to the potential adverse outcomes from this exposure, with a distinction from mercury poisoning, which denotes acute overexposure. Testing for mercury levels involves various techniques, from heavy metal testing to comprehensive stool and nutritional testing, highlighting its potential effects on the body.

Conventional approaches for mercury exposure focus on history, source removal, and monitoring, with chelating agents considered for severe cases. Functional medicine offers a holistic perspective, emphasizing the importance of targeted nutrition, such as anti-inflammatory and Mediterranean diets, and the role of a healthy gut microbiome. Supplements like probiotics, selenium, zinc, and glutathione may offer additional support, addressing mercury's effects on the gut and broader systems. Complementary practices, such as stress-reducing techniques and regular exercise, further support the body's resilience against mercury's impact.

The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.

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