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The Sexual Health Benefits of Almonds: Boosting Libido Naturally

Written By
Erin Coleman

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Updated On
August 27, 2024

Optimal sexual health is vital to the well-being of men and women, but research shows that 25-63% of women and 10-52% of men experience sexual dysfunction. Using natural methods to enhance sexual health is an effective way to boost mood, physical health, and emotional well-being β€” sometimes without the need for medication or other interventions.Β 

This article explores the sexual health of men and women and explains how almonds may play a role in boosting sex drive and overall sexual functioning.


Understanding Sexual Health

Sexual health consists of physical and sexual functioning, the health of sexual organs, and sex drive in men and women. Having a healthy sex life is often critical to life satisfaction and overall well-being.Β 

Factors that may affect libido and sexual functioning include:

Adopting healthy habits is one of the best ways to maximize sexual health and reduce the risk of complications.Β 

Nutritional Profile of Almonds

Almonds are often considered superfoods because of their nutritional makeup. They are rich in fiber, protein, heart-healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. A 1-ounce portion of almonds contains the following nutrition facts:

  • Calories: 164
  • Protein: 6 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 6 grams
  • Fiber: 4 grams
  • Dietary fat: 14 grams
  • Micronutrients

The micronutrients present in almonds include calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, folate, choline, copper, manganese, vitamin E, and B vitamins.Β 

How Almonds Support General Health

Almonds support general health in numerous ways. Studies show that almonds and nuts, in general, offer the following benefits when consumed regularly:

Researchers have found additional benefits linked to eating almonds, including:

The amount of almonds consumed in these studies was 28-60 grams per day, or about 1-2 ounces (23-46 almonds).

How Almonds Enhance Sexual Health

Almonds are particularly helpful for enhancing sexual health by:

Boosting Libido Naturally

Almonds appear to affect libido and overall sexual functioning, particularly in men, based on research. Studies show that eating almonds naturally increases orgasmic function and sexual desire in men. Researchers also found that anti-inflammatory foods appear to enhance sexual desire and function in women, and almonds are well-known to help reduce inflammation.

Improving Circulation

The arginine (an amino acid) in almonds helps improve circulation, a key component of sexual functioning. Consuming 85 grams of almonds boosted the intake of arginine by 62%, according to researchers, which studies show helps decrease erectile dysfunction, improve orgasmic functioning, and enhance intercourse satisfaction.

Hormonal Balance

Another way almonds enhance sexual functioning involves the favorable effects on hormone regulation, which can impact sex drive. Researchers suggest that consuming nuts aids in healthy weight management, an effective tool for optimizing hormone balance.Β 

Studies found that Mediterranean diets rich in nuts, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fatty fish enhance hormone balance and metabolic health while reducing inflammation and improving reproductive health outcomes.Β 

Additional studies suggest that the Mediterranean diet improves sexual functioning in women.

Energy and Stamina

The healthy fats and proteins in almonds not only boost satiety, but they provide sustained energy and aid in healthy weight management β€” both of which can enhance stamina and overall sexual performance.Β 


Researchers found that consuming 60 grams of nuts (about 2 ounces) daily improves sperm motility, sperm vitality, semen quality, and fertility in healthy men.

Incorporating Almonds into Your Diet

It’s simple to incorporate almonds into a well-balanced meal plan to enhance sexual functioning.

Daily Intake Recommendations

While there's no specific guidelines as to how many almonds to eat daily, many studies examining almonds’ effects on sex drive, function, or overall health improvement used 1-2 ounces daily as a serving size.Β 

Creative Ways to Eat Almonds

It’s simple to incorporate libido-boosting almonds into your daily meal plan by consuming these superfoods:

  • Roasted as a snack between meals
  • As almond butter spread on whole-grain bread or fruit
  • Sliced in oatmeal, cold cereals, salads, or trail mix
  • Blended-in fruit smoothies
  • In protein-rich energy bites
  • As a topping over Greek yogurt
  • As almond butter or almond protein powder blended into protein shakes

Get creative when adding almonds to a nutritious meal plan.

Complementary Foods and Lifestyle Tips

Other libido-boosting foods and lifestyle habits that optimize sexual health include:

Libido-Boosting Foods and Supplements

When combined with almonds, foods, and supplements that increase libido (based on research) include:

Examples of herbal aphrodisiacs are as follows:

  • Safed musli
  • Mondia whitei
  • Tribulus terrestris
  • Saffron
  • Nutmeg
  • Date palm
  • Maca
  • Kaempferia parviflora
  • Eurycoma longifolia
  • Satureja khuzestanica
  • Ginseng
  • Pausinystalia yohimbe
  • Fadogia agrestisΒ 
  • Montanoa tomentosa
  • Terminalia catappa
  • Casimiroa edulis
  • Turnera diffusa

Individuals should talk with their doctor before taking any type of dietary supplements.

Healthy Lifestyle Practices

Healthy lifestyle changes that support optimal sexual health and functioning include proper hydration, stress management, exercise, Mediterranean dieting, and high-quality sleep. Avoid highly processed foods, maintain a healthy body weight, and seek treatment for depression, anxiety, or other mental health concerns.Β 

Expert Opinions and Testimonials

Examples of expert opinions and patient testimonials regarding the sexual health benefits of almonds include:

Healthcare Professional Insights

Dr. Stacy Loeb, MD, urology oncologist and professor at the Department of Population Health and Urology at NYU Langone Health, says that despite the common myth that eating a lot of meat boosts sexual function in men, eating more plant foods and fewer animal-based foods is actually best for maximizing men’s sexual health and well-being.Β 

Patient Testimonials

Based on research, people who consumed 60 grams of mixed nuts daily reported a significant increase in orgasmic function and libido.Β 

Another study found that individuals who completed the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey reported less sexual dysfunction, particularly ED, with higher dietary intakes of copper, zinc, magnesium, and selenium β€” all of which are present in almonds.Β 


Common questions and answers related to the sexual health benefits of almonds include:

Q: How many almonds should I eat to maximize sexual health?

A: While there are no official guidelines determining how many almonds to eat daily, many studies examining the effects of almonds on sexual health reported benefits after eating 1-2 ounces (23-46 almonds) per day.

Q: Why should I eat almonds to improve sexual health?

A: Eating almonds regularly can enhance circulation, libido, overall sexual functioning in men and women, fertility, hormone balance, energy, and stamina. Almonds also help improve overall health and well-being by reducing disease risk factors and aiding in healthy weight management.

Q: Which specific type of diet should I follow?

A: Plant-based meal plans and Mediterranean diets, both of which include almonds or other nuts, have been shown to improve sexual functioning in men and women. The Mediterranean diet is rich in nuts, olive oil, fish, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.Β 


Key Takeaways

  • Almonds are loaded with essential nutrients that optimize overall well-being and sexual health in men and women.
  • Almonds help enhance sexual health by improving circulation, aiding in healthy weight management, increasing libido, reducing erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, and more.
  • Add 1-2 ounces of almonds, almond protein powder, or almond butter to cereals, oatmeal, yogurt, protein shakes, fruit smoothies, salads, sliced fruit, protein-rich energy balls, trail mix, and other heart-healthy snacks to boost sexual health naturally.
  • Incorporate almonds and other nuts into a healthy meal plan combined with regular exercise, sleep, proper hydration, healthy weight management, and stress management to maximize overall sexual health, sexual functioning, libido, and quality of life.
The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before taking any dietary supplement or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Kidney International
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Annals of Surgery
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The American Journal of Psychiatry
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Diabetes Care
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Peer Reviewed Journal
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JAMA Internal Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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PLOS Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Annals of Internal Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Nature Medicine
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The BMJ (British Medical Journal)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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The Lancet
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Comprehensive biomedical database
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Educational/Medical Institution
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Cleveland Clinic
Educational/Medical Institution
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Mayo Clinic
Educational/Medical Institution
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The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Peer Reviewed Journal
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Johns Hopkins
Educational/Medical Institution
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