Acupuncture is one of the oldest practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been used for over 5,000 years.
Acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific points on the body by inserting very fine, sterile, stainless steel needles to elicit a physiological response. It is believed that this practice may help support the flow of qi (pronounced "chee"), a concept of vital life force that is thought to balance the "spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health"; in other words, the whole person. Acupuncture is often used to help manage musculoskeletal discomfort and is being explored for its potential benefits in various other health areas.
This article explores the practice of acupuncture, the training required to become an acupuncturist, career prospects, and salary.
What is an Acupuncturist?
Acupuncturists are skilled healthcare providers who assess and support patients using the philosophies of TCM.
Various conditions are commonly addressed with acupuncture (below is not an exhaustive list):
Female Health Concerns
- Labor discomfort
- Menstrual discomfort
- Infertility
Head and Neck Discomfort
- Dental discomfort
- Migraines
- Tension headaches
Musculoskeletal Discomfort
- Low back discomfort
- Osteoarthritis
- Overuse and strain issues
Neurological Conditions
- CNS Disorders
- Post Stroke Rehabilitation
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s
- Paralysis
- Children with Neurological Disorders
- Neuro-Inflammation
Other Conditions
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- Fibromyalgia
- Nausea and vomiting associated with surgery or chemotherapy
- Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) after a shingles outbreak
This list may expand in the coming years, as more than 1,700 clinical trials are underway to evaluate acupuncture's potential benefits in various areas such as Crohn's disease, lymphedema related to breast cancer, and supporting the success rates of in vitro fertilization.
What Type of Academic Training Do Acupuncturists Go Through?
Prerequisite college or university courses, typically biology, chemistry, English, psychology, and the social sciences, are required to enter an acupuncture program. Sixty credits are needed to enter a Master's program, and ninety credits are necessary for a Doctoral program. There is no entrance exam required for acupuncture training.
In general, a Master's Program takes three to four years to complete, whereas a Doctoral program takes six or seven.
Topics covered in acupuncture programs include:
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Biochemistry
- TCM diagnostic systems and methods
- Acupuncture and needling techniques
- Chinese Herbology
- Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis
- Integrative Nutrition
- Preventive Medicine
- Integrative Pain Management
- Exercise therapy, including Taiji and Qigong
- Pharmacology
A Master's program is sufficient education and training for general clinical practice. A doctoral program may be a better choice for acupuncture practitioners who want to teach, be employed at an academic institution, or conduct research.
Upon completion of training, many states require board certification by the NCCAOM to practice acupuncture. If an Acupuncturist wants to practice in the state of California they also have to be eligible based on the board requirements and then take the California Acupuncture Boards.
A different path is available for licensed clinicians, like MDs and DOs, who wish to add acupuncture to their medical practice. Credentialing is through the American Board of Medical Acupuncture (ABMA), which requires "a minimum of 300 hours of systematic acupuncture education acceptable to the ABMA."
What are The Top 10 Accredited Acupuncture Programs in The United States?
The top ten accredited acupuncture programs in the US are:
- Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
- Emperor's College – School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine
- Bastyr University
- Five Branches University
- Maryland University of Integrative Health
- Northwestern Health Sciences University
- Pacific College of Health and Science
- American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
- Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine
The criteria for choosing these schools include the following:
- Quality of faculty
- Comprehensiveness of the program
- Internship availability
- Reputation and time in existence for the school
- Whether a Doctoral program is available
Where Do Acupuncturists Work?
Licensed acupuncture practitioners are employed at almost every prominent hospital system in the US (e.g., Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, UCLA Health, and the VA), where they have opportunities to work with other integrative healthcare professionals like physicians, nurses, chiropractors, and physical therapists.
Acupuncturists also work in medical and health clinics, universities, colleges, or their own practices.
What is The Average Salary for an Acupuncturist?
On average, acupuncturists make around USD 75,000 annually. Six states (New York, Idaho, California, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine) have acupuncturist salaries that top the US average.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing dating back thousands of years. It has become increasingly popular in the US over recent decades and is now considered an essential part of healthcare at many major hospitals and academic institutions.
Acupuncturists complete years of training at a Master's or Doctoral level, and many states require board certification to practice. The knowledge and skills of a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist set these practitioners apart from other healthcare providers who may offer acupuncture in their practice.