July 26, 2023

Using CGMs In A Functional Medicine Approach To Improve Metabolic Health

Written By
Dr. Laura DeCesaris Master Clinical Nutrition, Chiropractic, A4M Fellowship
Medically Reviewed by
Updated On
January 14, 2025

The use of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) is on the rise, and for good reason. Just 1 in 8 adults in the USA have optimal metabolic health, highlighting the importance of focusing public health efforts on supporting healthy blood glucose regulation, decreasing inflammation, and considering other factors that contribute to metabolic health.  

Poor metabolic health can be associated with a higher risk of chronic conditions like type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease and can also impact sleep quality, energy levels, and cognitive function. CGMs can help guide personalized dietary and lifestyle interventions to help keep glucose levels in range and support individuals in working towards better metabolic health. 


What is Metabolic Health?

A recent study defined metabolic health as having optimal levels of blood sugar (fasting glucose <100mg/dL), HDL cholesterol (>40/50 for men/women respectively), triglycerides (<150 mg/dL), blood pressure (120/80 mm/Hg or under), and a waist circumference of <40 inches in men and <35 inches in women, without the use of medications. 

With 1 in 3 Americans experiencing metabolic syndrome, working towards unified guidelines to define optimal metabolic health is important, and there is not yet a standardized definition of metabolic health across all health organizations.  

Good metabolic health can contribute to more energy, a lower risk of developing chronic conditions, and an improved healthspan - meaning you feel better and can live a healthier life for longer.

Factors Influencing Metabolic Health

There are several factors that may influence metabolic health, including:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Muscle mass/body composition
  • Physical activity level
  • Smoking status
  • Education level
  • Dietary patterns

One recent study found that better metabolic health was associated with female gender, younger age, higher education level, being a non-smoker, low body mass index, and including vigorous exercise in their lifestyle. When looking at dietary patterns, another study found that including higher amounts of refined, processed foods was associated with poorer metabolic health, while a diet similar to the Mediterranean diet was associated with a higher rate of metabolic health.  

Importance Of Maintaining Stable Blood Glucose Levels

Keeping your blood sugar levels stable and in a healthy range may help maintain good energy levels, alertness, and mood. A recent study found that a fasting level of 80-94 mg/dL, regardless of age or sex, was associated with the lowest mortality risk. Blood glucose levels that rise above a normal range are associated with a higher mortality risk, and higher sugar may contribute to inflammation and a higher risk of chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome. 

Symptoms of Poor Metabolic Health

Symptoms of poor metabolic health may include:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • High fasting blood glucose
  • High waist circumference

Sometimes, symptoms like fatigue, low energy, poor sleep, and poor recovery may be present, though individuals may not experience physical symptoms. Body weight does not always translate to metabolic health status either, as normal-weight individuals may also experience poor metabolic health.  

Continuous Glucose Monitors: An Overview

A CGM is a piece of wearable technology that allows the user to track glucose levels continuously. The monitor is placed on the back of the arm or lower belly, using an applicator so that the sensor lands just under the skin. The sensor then measures interstitial glucose levels in the fluid under the skin every five minutes, day and night. Most devices last for 7 to 14 days before they need to be replaced, and the monitors transmit the wearer's glucose data to an app associated with the device. Both the user and any healthcare provider they share the data with can see glucose levels, trends, and history.  

The most common traditional method of monitoring glucose is a fingerstick blood sample; however, these samples measure blood glucose in one moment in time. It can require the user to do multiple fingersticks throughout the day to get meaningful data, whereas the use of a CGM just requires the initial application stick. It should be noted that there is a slight lag time when comparing fingerstick glucose measurements to CGM data, however. Since CGMs measure glucose in the interstitial fluid as opposed to blood glucose, there's typically a 5-30 minute period of time until the CGM "catches up" to fingerstick results. For that reason, it may be more helpful to pay attention to the "time in range" data from a CGM instead of a "moment in time" reading from a CGM.  

Incorporating CGMs Data Into Personalized Plans To Help Support Metabolic Health

A functional medicine approach to supporting metabolic health is centered around highly personalized strategies and support that include nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, and mindset considerations. Incorporating CGMs into personalized plans can provide valuable data to not only uncover underlying issues with blood sugar regulation but also to monitor how recommendations are impacting blood sugar in real time. These data points can help your provider - and you - adjust your care plan to get the best results.

Tracking Real-Time Blood Glucose Levels

The ability to monitor real-time data on blood glucose can be an invaluable tool to better understand metabolic health for those with metabolic concerns and for healthy individuals alike. The real-time data feedback can serve as an effective tool to inspire adjustments in lifestyle habits and nutritional intake, providing the user and their healthcare provider immediate feedback on dietary interventions and physical activity choices. Having that immediate feedback is linked to better behavioral modification in studies using CGMs in prediabetic and diabetic populations to support metabolic health.   

CGMs provide continuous monitoring and data collection through the sensor that is placed just under the skin. Once applied, the sensor then measures interstitial glucose levels in the fluid under the skin every five minutes, day and night. Most devices last for 7 to 14 days before they need to be replaced, and the monitors transmit the wearer's glucose data to an app associated with the device, allowing the user and the provider to monitor the data continuously.  

Identifying Glucose Variability Patterns

Glucose variability, or how much glucose levels change over the course of time, is associated with a higher risk of hypoglycemia, vascular complications, and overall mortality in those with metabolic concerns. Frequent blood glucose spikes and subsequent changes can also contribute to a higher risk of developing diabetes over time, in addition to more immediate symptoms like fatigue, low energy, depression, or anxiety.

Because the sensor is continually providing feedback on glucose levels day and night, CGMs can help identify trends in glucose variability and allow the user and their healthcare practitioner to examine any patterns related to diet, sleep, time of day, or other lifestyle factors. One study using CGMs found that in people without diagnosed metabolic concerns, the average glucose peak after eating was 99 mg/dL plus or minus 7 mg/dL, though other studies in the healthy general population suggest a range of 70-140 mg/dL as a "normal” range of glucose variability throughout the day.    

Personalized Dietary And Lifestyle Interventions

Studies examining the validity of CGMs for personalizing dietary recommendations demonstrate that the monitors can be beneficial for monitoring diet changes as part of a therapeutic plan. CGM data gives the user and the healthcare provider insight into the user's behaviors and glycemic patterns and can bring to light changes in glucose variability that may be due to certain foods, stress, or other lifestyle factors.   

Reviewing said CGM data could help in creating the appropriate nutritional recommendations to optimize time spent in a healthy glucose range and decrease the risk of chronic inflammatory conditions associated with higher glucose values. The visual display allows the user to easily monitor how different meals, meal timing, exercise type, intensity, stress, and illness all impact their blood glucose, bringing more body awareness into the picture of a healthy lifestyle.    



Improving metabolic health is a growing focus in healthcare to help address the ever-increasing rates of chronic conditions that are often associated with poor metabolic health. The rise of wearable technology, such as continuous glucose monitors, can be helpful tools as part of a personalized functional medicine strategy to support metabolic health. Real-time feedback on how nutrition, stress, and lifestyle habits impact blood glucose can help drive behavior modification and improve a user's understanding of how their daily habits are affecting their metabolism.

The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.

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