Oregano oil has been used in folk traditions for centuries and is gaining popularity for its potential to support health and wellness.
Whether used for supporting respiratory health, managing discomfort, or maintaining skin health, oregano oil benefits are diverse. They’re supported by some scientific studies and traditional uses. Learn more about the potential advantages of this versatile oil.
Understanding Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is sourced from oregano (Origanum vulgare), a perennial flowering plant native to Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean. Oregano is a dried spice commonly used to flavor foods in cooking.
Oregano and its oils are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, caryophyllene, limonene, terpinene, eugenol, rosmarinic acid, ocimene, thymol, carvacrol, and many other antioxidants and active compounds that may contribute to its health benefits.
Oregano oil extracts have been used in traditional practices for various purposes, including:
- Supporting the body's defense against infections
- Maintaining respiratory health
- Managing discomfort
- Supporting skin health
This oil has antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antiparasitic properties. While oregano oil isn’t approved as a therapy for diseases or other medical conditions, it’s available over-the-counter as a dietary supplement (capsules and oil solutions) and essential oils you can dilute and apply to your skin.
Oregano oil is extracted from the Origanum vulgare plant’s flowers and dried leaves. Oregano essential oils are prepared by air drying the leaves and shoots; then extracting and concentrating the oil using steam distillation. These oils are often mixed with carrier oils for topical use. Oregano oil extract is made using alcohol, carbon dioxide, or other extraction methods.
Antimicrobial Properties of Oregano Oil
One of oregano oil’s potential benefits involves its antimicrobial effects. Some studies suggest that carvacrol and thymol present in oregano oil may help manage certain pathogens.
Another study indicates the potential benefits of using oregano oil to support the body's defense against certain bacterial challenges.
Researchers have explored oregano oil’s ability to manage Candida albicans (yeast) and Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), an infection caused by staph bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics traditionally used to treat staph infections.
Supporting Digestive Health with Oregano Oil
Oregano oil may also support the digestive system. Some research suggests that people with small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) who took herbal supplements containing oregano oil experienced changes in gut bacterial growth and gastrointestinal symptoms like abdominal discomfort and bloating.
Therefore, oregano oil may help support a balanced gut microbiome.
Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is rich in antioxidants, which can support the body's response to inflammation and protect against oxidative stress. This may help maintain overall health, as oxidative stress is linked to various health concerns.
Respiratory Health Benefits of Oregano Oil
Oregano oil can support respiratory health. The reasons for these benefits may be linked to more than 60 beneficial components present in oregano’s flowers and leaves, including flavonoids, polyphenols, carvacrol, and thymol.
Oregano oil’s antimicrobial and antiviral properties may help support the body's natural defenses against respiratory challenges.
Supporting Immune Function with Oregano Oil
Oregano oil may support the immune system, as its antimicrobial and antioxidant activities contribute to overall immune system functioning. The immune-supporting response of oregano oil may be linked to its polyphenol and other antioxidant components that help manage inflammation and oxidative stress.
Pain Relief with Oregano Oil
Oregano oil may help manage discomfort. Some studies suggest that this oil may help with muscle discomfort and headaches. One study found that oregano supplementation may help manage muscle damage, while another suggested that carvacrol in oregano oil may help manage inflammation linked to rheumatoid arthritis.
Additional research suggests the potential benefits of carvacrol for managing migraines, mainly due to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory pathways.
Skin Health and Topical Uses of Oregano Oil
Applying oregano oil topically may contribute to healthier skin. Research explores the effects of oregano oil on fungal challenges and acne. This is due, at least in part, to oregano’s anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
Additional studies suggest that essential oregano oil may help support skin health, including concerns like skin aging and pigmentation issues, due to its antioxidant effects on the skin.
Applying oregano oil to your skin in a diluted form reduces the potential for skin irritation.
Safety Considerations and Potential Side Effects
While there are many potential health and wellness benefits associated with oregano oil, potential side effects exist too.
Applying too much oregano oil to your skin can cause irritation, and ingesting it in high doses may lead to side effects like heartburn, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, headaches, dizziness, or allergic reactions. However, there are no reports of clinically significant liver injury linked to oregano oil.
Because oregano oil can cause miscarriage in pregnant women, avoid using it during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, or if you’re a woman of childbearing age who may become pregnant. Children should also avoid using oregano oil unless their doctor says it's okay.
If you have a medical condition, ask your provider before using any dietary supplements, including oregano oil.
Avoid oregano oil if you’re allergic to basil, lavender, sage, or mint (you’re likely also allergic to oregano oil); have a bleeding disorder; or take medications known to alter blood clotting. Oregano oil may interfere with lithium, diuretics, or other medicines.
Oregano supplement capsules or diluted oil solutions are designed for consumption. However, dietary supplements don’t require pre-marketing FDA approval, so always check with your doctor to determine if you should use them and which dosage is the most appropriate for you. It’s vital to never ingest the essential oil form of oregano.
Oregano oil is not approved as a treatment for diseases or other medical conditions in the United States, but it’s available over the counter. Dose recommendations listed on oregano oil supplement labels vary based on the concentration of the oil.
There are no official dosage guidelines for oregano oil, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies it as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) as a food ingredient.
Incorporating Oregano Oil into Your Wellness Routine
There are several ways to incorporate oregano oil into your daily wellness routine, whether you ingest it or apply the oil topically to your skin.
Follow the dosage instructions listed on oregano oil supplement packaging or apply a few drops of the edible form to foods after cooking them; make sure to mix edible oregano into the food before consuming it.
Don’t ingest oregano oil in its essential oil form. However, you can dilute 1-2 drops of oregano oil into 1 teaspoon of water, coconut oil, olive oil, or another carrier oil and apply it to your skin.
It’s important to take a one-week break after a three-week bout of using oregano oil. Since the substance is powerful, start with the smallest dose possible and see how your body reacts. Slowly increase the dosage as instructed by your doctor and never exceed the dose recommendations listed on oregano oil supplement labels.
Key Takeaways
Oregano oil offers potential benefits as a natural remedy. It may support health and wellness when used responsibly under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Never ingest essential oil forms of oregano oil and use caution when trying oregano supplements if you have a medical condition.
Dilute essential oregano oils before applying them to your skin to avoid irritation and follow dosage or dilution instructions provided by ingestible oregano oils.
You may experience benefits such as supporting respiratory health, maintaining skin health, managing discomfort, supporting immune function, and promoting digestive health when using oregano oil safely.
Consider oregano oil as a complementary approach to supporting health and wellness, but always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.