A Whole Person Care Approach
November 7, 2024

How Functional Medicine Practitioners View Inflammation

Medically Reviewed by
Updated On
November 13, 2024

Inflammation is the body's response to an irritant, be that a germ, a virus, or a foreign body. A finger swells around a splinter, a joint swells after an injury, or the liver swells with an infection. In other words, inflammation is a tool the immune system uses to protect the body from something bad.

Chronic inflammation, which lasts months or even years, can be associated with various health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and certain types of cancer

In functional medicine, managing chronic inflammation often involves a comprehensive strategy that may include specialized tests, dietary adjustments, and natural remedies alongside conventional treatments.


Understanding Inflammation: Acute vs. Chronic

Inflammation can be broken down into two categories: acute or immediate and chronic or ongoing.

Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation is the body's immediate response to an injury or infection. This response results in local vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, and the release of mediators that bring other inflammatory cells to the affected area.  

There are five classical clinical features of acute inflammation:

  • Redness
  • Heat
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Loss of function

While there can be many causes of acute inflammation, they can be broken down into two categories:

  • Injuries such as cuts, scrapes, bruises, or sprains cause a localized inflammatory response to protect the injured area.
  • Infections such as strep throat or the flu will result in inflammation so the body can try to contain the infection.

Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is associated with various health conditions, including: 

Chronic inflammation may contribute to tissue damage, organ dysfunction, joint deterioration, and DNA damage, highlighting the importance of addressing its underlying causes.

The Functional Medicine Approach to Inflammation

Functional medicine, which adopts a holistic perspective, aims to address the underlying factors contributing to chronic inflammation. This approach often involves personalized treatment plans that consider individual factors including: 

Genetics: Some disorders, such as celiac disease and scleroderma, are known to have genetic factors that make someone more or less likely to develop the disorder.

Individual lifestyles: This can affect a patient's chances of developing a chronic inflammatory disease. For example, foods high in saturated fats have been associated with increased systemic inflammation.

Environmental factors: These factors affect many chronic inflammatory diseases, including myasthenia gravis and lupus.

These personalized plans facilitate a system-based approach that examines the entire body, including gut health, immune function, and hormonal balance. Additionally, functional medicine emphasizes prevention through early detection and lifestyle modifications, complementing traditional medical treatments.

Key Causes of Chronic Inflammation in Functional Medicine

Functional medicine recognizes that inflammation can be influenced by a variety of non-viral factors. Practitioners address these contributing elements alongside any existing health conditions. Key causes of chronic inflammation include:

Diet and Nutrition

There is substantial evidence indicating a correlation between diet and inflammation. Certain foods may promote inflammation, while others can help reduce it. For instance, a Mediterranean diet has been associated with improved gut health and reduced systemic inflammation. 

Gut Health

A healthy gut plays a crucial role in managing inflammation. Conditions such as increased intestinal permeability (often referred to as "leaky gut"), dysbiosis, and Crohn's disease are linked to systemic inflammation.

Toxins and Environmental Factors

Exposure to toxins, such as benzene, halocarbons, ketones, and nitrosamines, can lead to systemic inflammation.

Heavy metals, pesticides, and dust mites can also lead to chronic inflammation.

Chronic Stress

Stress induces the production of cortisol, commonly known as the "stress hormone." Chronically elevated cortisol levels can promote inflammation and directly affect pain perception and other bodily systems, resulting in a "psychoneuroendocrine" response.

Sleep Deprivation

Adequate sleep is vital for controlling inflammation and maintaining overall physical health. A study by Harvard Medical School found that insufficient sleep not only causes chronic inflammation but also contributes to other factors that promote inflammation, highlighting the importance of sleep in inflammation management 

Sedentary Lifestyle

Finally, movement is vital in controlling chronic inflammation and overall health.

Regular physical activity is essential for controlling chronic inflammation and maintaining overall health.

Inactivity has been linked to increased inflammation, whereas regular exercise can reduce multiple causes of inflammation and offer a protective effect against the body becoming inflamed.

An article in the prestigious journal Nature suggested that regular exercise may reduce chronic inflammation and have a protective effect on the body, keeping it from becoming inflamed in the first place.

Functional Medicine Treatment Strategies for Inflammation

Functional medicine uses a variety of strategies to manage inflammation, including:

  • Dietary modifications: Focus on anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and fiber-rich foods. Eliminate any foods to which the patient is sensitive, along with high-fat and saturated-fat foods. Additionally, ensure the patient is adequately hydrated.
  • Nutritional supplements: Curcumin, omega-3, and vitamin D are common supplements functional medicine practitioners use to support appropriate inflammatory responses.
  • Stress management techniques: Examples include mindfulness, yoga, and biofeedback. Counseling and therapy may also be implemented if needed.
  • Exercise and movement: Regular physical activity is vital in maintaining overall health and reducing inflammation.
  • Sleep optimization: Ensure good sleep hygiene practices and sleep tracking.

Please consult with a healthcare professional before implementing any of these treatment strategies.

Potential Risks and Considerations in Functional Medicine's Approach

As with any treatment approach, it is essential for patients to avoid unsupported claims and rely on evidence-based practices. Patients should consult peer-reviewed materials and discuss their treatment plans with qualified healthcare professionals.

If a patient is consulting with multiple physicians, it is important to communicate the treatment strategies employed by each to ensure safe and coordinated care. Additionally, when taking supplements, patients should inform their medical team, as many over-the-counter supplements can interact with prescription medications or cause side effects.


Key Takeaways

  • Functional medicine can be a valuable and effective approach to managing chronic inflammation, particularly when integrated with traditional medical practices. 
  • It emphasizes a holistic, whole-person strategy that targets prevention through dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as supplements. 
  • Functional medicine prioritizes multi-system, whole-body strategies over symptom-specific treatments.
  • It is important to recognize that functional medicine tailors its approach to each individual patient rather than applying generalized treatments. 
  • Patients and their healthcare providers are encouraged to explore functional medicine as a complementary strategy for treating chronic inflammation, ensuring that all treatment decisions are well-informed and coordinated.
The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.

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