Middle-age weight gain seems to be a common experience for many Americans. On average, middle-aged adults gain roughly 1.5lbs a year. For decades, it was assumed that this weight gain was due to a general βslowingβ of the metabolism as people age.
However, a recent study in Science suggests that metabolic rates of energy expenditure remain stable from ages 20 to 60.
So why do we gain weight in our 40s and 50s? The answer is complex. There are many factors that become more common as we age and, when not addressed, may contribute to gradual weight gain.
This article will discuss two of the common factors associated with middle-age weight gain: muscle loss and changes in sex hormones.
Signs & Symptoms of Middle Age Slowed Metabolism
Men and women in their 40s and 50s often notice weight gain despite maintaining a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet. They may find that weight tends to accumulate around their abdomen. These changes can be frustrating, as previous strategies for weight management may no longer be effective.
Possible Causes of Middle Age Weight Gain
Muscle Loss and Insulin Sensitivity
Muscle mass tends to decrease by roughly 3-8% per decade after age 30. This natural change can be influenced by lifestyle factors, such as spending more time sitting at a desk by age 40.
This loss of muscle mass can impact insulin sensitivity. Muscle tissue plays a role in glucose management. The decrease in muscle mass and increase in fat tissue that occurs with age may contribute to age-associated changes in insulin sensitivity.
When insulin is released, muscle tissue helps manage glucose levels in the bloodstream. With less muscle tissue, the body may have more difficulty managing glucose levels, which can influence insulin sensitivity.
Functional Medicine Labs for Muscle Loss and Insulin Sensitivity
Fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, Hgba1c
Detecting signs of insulin sensitivity changes early can be important. Fasting insulin is one of the first detectable changes and can be measured with the Insulin, Fasting test by Access Med Labs. You can use fasting insulin to calculate the HOMA-IR, which provides insights into insulin sensitivity. HgbA1c offers a view of average blood glucose levels over three months. Together, these tests can help identify changes in insulin sensitivity.
Body composition analysis
While BMI and scale weight can provide some information about body composition, they may not clearly distinguish between fat and muscle. A DEXA scan can offer a more detailed view of muscle mass versus fat tissue. It can also help track changes in muscle mass over time.
Functional Medicine Approaches for Muscle Loss and Insulin Sensitivity
Including strength training in a fitness routine may support muscle health. Even a single exercise session has been shown to positively influence glucose uptake by muscle.
Strength training and exercise can have lasting effects on glucose regulation, with some studies showing benefits hours after a session.
While individual needs vary, engaging in 20 to 30 minutes of strength training three times a week may help support muscle health.
Possible Causes of Middle Age Weight Gain
Changes in Sex Hormones
During the menopause transition, women may experience weight changes. A large observational study found an average weight gain of roughly 7.5lbs and an increase in waist circumference, which was associated with hormonal changes.
Although the exact reasons for weight changes during this time are not fully understood, studies suggest that hormonal changes may influence appetite-regulating hormones.
Lower estrogen levels may affect hormones that help regulate appetite and fullness, potentially leading to changes in eating patterns.
Men may also experience changes in weight related to testosterone levels. Lower testosterone levels have been associated with increased body weight.
The relationship between body weight and testosterone is complex, with excess body fat potentially affecting testosterone production.
Functional Medicine Labs for Changes in Sex Hormones
Rupa offers various methods for assessing hormone levels in blood and saliva. ZRT, Boston Heart, Genova, and Vibrant Health Labs offer assessments for hormones like progesterone, estradiol, FSH, and testosterone. These assessments can provide insights into hormone levels.
Functional Medicine Approaches for Changes in Sex Hormones
Hormone replacement therapy may be considered for some individuals to support metabolic health during middle age.
One study found that estrogen replacement therapy influenced fat distribution in menopausal women.
In men with low testosterone, testosterone replacement has been associated with weight changes. A study involving over 400 men with low testosterone noted weight changes with testosterone replacement.
Middle-aged weight gain is not inevitable. Various physiological changes occur in middle age that may contribute to gradual weight gain.
Two common factors are changes in muscle mass and sex hormones. With careful analysis and early attention, it may be possible to address these changes and support healthy weight management in middle age.