May 26, 2023

Integrative Treatment Options for Neurological Diagnosis: Specialty Testing, Nutrition, Supplements

Medically Reviewed by
Updated On
January 16, 2025

The nervous system has been referred to as the “body's command system.” Everything you do, from thoughts to movements, to processes that you don’t think about or give attention to, such as the beating of your heart or the movement of food through your intestines, is controlled by your nervous system. This article will discuss what the nervous system is and explore neurological conditions that may benefit from integrative approaches. We’ll then discuss functional medicine labs that can help in the individualized support of those neurological conditions and look at complementary and integrative options as well.


What is Neurology?

Neurology is the study of medicine focused on the entire nervous system, which is made up of two distinct sections: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

The Central Nervous System

The spinal cord and brain are what make up the central nervous system (CNS). The brain is made of nervous tissue, making it an important organ for life, and is found inside the skull. Within the safety of the skull, there are other layers of protection, including the meninges, cerebrospinal fluid, and the blood-brain barrier. This organ is of the utmost delicacy; slight force can cause significant damage to the brain. The brain is responsible for many actions, including feelings of sensation, responsiveness, memory, thoughts and emotions, communication, and movements. The spinal cord sits within and is protected by the vertebrae in the back and attaches to the brainstem. Other protections of the spinal cord include the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid. The spinal cord has two main functions. First, the spinal cord transmits nerve impulses that are sent from the brain to the periphery in order to control movement. Second, the spinal cord transmits sensory nerve impulses from organs to the brain.

The Peripheral Nervous System

The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the remainder of the nerve tissue located outside the brain and spinal cord, including the many nerves branching from the brain and spinal cord to all body areas. The PNS has two divisions: the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. As its name implies, the autonomic system controls automatic or unconscious actions. This includes actions by the heart such as pumping blood, kidneys including urine formation, the lungs with breathing, and the stomach and intestines with digestion and absorption. The somatic nervous system includes voluntary actions; these nerves travel to the muscle and skin to insight movements.

What are the Top Neurological Disorders That May Benefit From Integrative Approaches?

Many neurological disorders may benefit from integrative approaches. The most common neurological disorders that may use integrative treatments include:

Parkinson’s Disease

In Parkinson's disease, neurons that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine are affected in a part of the brain known as the substantia nigra. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease may include shaking in a limb at rest or during movement (tremors), slow movements (bradykinesias), rigid muscles, impaired balance leading to trouble walking, hunched-over posture, changes in voice, problems sleeping, trouble writing, gastrointestinal issues including constipation and trouble swallowing, urinary problems, loss of smell (anosmia), and mood changes including depression and anxiety. Additionally, autonomic dysfunctions, including trouble regulating body temperature and uncontrollable saliva production, are also signs of Parkinson’s disease. Factors that may contribute to Parkinson’s disease include toxic metals, environmental exposures, viral infections, and genetic predispositions.


Epilepsy is a disorder of the CNS that causes recurring seizures. In people with epilepsy, brain conductivity may function abnormally; random, temporary bursts of electrical activity can trigger involuntary movements, sensations, functions, behaviors, and awareness. Signs and symptoms of seizures may include uncontrolled muscle movements, blank stares, temporary loss of awareness, loss of muscle tone, numbness, and tingling, loss of bowel/bladder control, changes in hearing, taste, smell, and vision, rubbing of hands, lip smacking, chewing and finger motions. Immediate medical care may be needed with certain seizures, including those lasting longer than five minutes, two seizures in a row, lack of breathing, seizures followed by heat exhaustion, and seizures that cause injury. Seizures in pregnant and diabetic patients should also be given immediate medical care. Factors that may contribute to epilepsy include infections, genetics, metabolic disorders, and structural changes to the brain due to injury or congenital malformations.


Dementia is characterized by cognitive decline. People with dementia may have cognitive problems including memory, perception, understanding. There are two main types of dementia, primary and secondary. The most common type of primary dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. Secondary dementia may be due to other conditions, including HIV/AIDS and Parkinson’s disease. Secondary dementias are often reversible, whereas primary dementias are not. Signs and symptoms of dementia may include worsening short-term memory, getting lost in a familiar area, problems communicating, including difficulty getting words out or finding the right word, taking longer to complete daily routines, loss of interest in once-enjoyable activities, frequent falls, personality changes, and apathetic feelings towards others. Factors that may contribute to dementia include traumatic brain injuries, nutritional deficiencies, hormones, environmental exposures, metabolic dysfunctions, age, lifestyle choices, and genetics.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disorder, affects the CNS. Multiple sclerosis develops and progresses through two main mechanisms. First, autoimmune cells may affect the protein, myelin sheath, that wraps around nerves and impedes their signaling. Second, dysfunction within the mitochondria of cells, the part of the cell where energy is made, may also occur. This combination may lead to problems with the communication between the brain and spinal cord. Because of this, the following symptoms can occur: vision impairments (partial or complete vision loss, blurred or double vision), numbness and tingling on one side of the body, difficulty walking, loss of bladder and bowel control, sexual dysfunction, vertigo, fatigue, mood disturbances, cognitive impairments, and problems with speech and swallowing. Factors that may contribute to multiple sclerosis include genetics, environmental factors, infections, and gut dysbiosis.

Functional Medicine Labs That Can Help Individualize Support for Patients with Neurological Disorders

Many functional medicine labs can help to evaluate the root cause of neurological conditions further and individualize the support plans. The following labs are some of the most commonly used functional medicine labs in integrative neurology:

Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity

Cyrex Laboratories offers the Expanded Neurological Autoimmune Reactivity Screen, or Array 7x test for short, that measures antibodies that may be causing a neuro-autoimmune reaction. This test may aid in the early detection of neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory disorders, including the autoimmune causing multiple sclerosis, and can help tailor the appropriate support to the individual patient.

Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability  

The blood-brain barrier, a web of blood vessels surrounding the brain, serves as one of the protective layers for the brain, limiting substances from entering it. Cyrex Laboratories Array 20 test measures three different proteins that can indicate how permeable the blood-brain barrier is. Increased blood-brain barrier permeability may predispose a person to epilepsy through neurological defects that lower the threshold for a seizure to occur and can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disorders.

Micronutrient Testing

A micronutrient test, such as SpectraCell's Micronutrient Test, assesses numerous vitamins and minerals and gives their levels. Many neurological conditions are associated with nutritional deficiencies, including epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and dementia.

Comprehensive Stool Testing

Within the large intestine is the microbiome, a collective group of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that work synergistically with our bodies, meaning they benefit from us, and we benefit from them. The microbiome can affect digestion, absorption, immune function, inflammation, hormone levels, and more. When the levels of good and bad microbes in the microbiome are unbalanced, we refer to it as a dysbiosis. Dysbiosis can influence immune function, inflammation, and permeability of the gut. The permeability of the gut is important; a highly permeable gut, referred to as a “leaky gut,” allows pathogens and food particles not yet ready for absorption to be transferred into the bloodstream. Immune cells react to these particles and pathogens, causing inflammation. Additionally, having a “leaky gut” is a continual process, which equates to continual immune activation. When this occurs, occasionally, a process called “molecular mimicry” happens, where immune cells mistake healthy tissues for their targets, thus triggering autoimmunity.

Because of these factors, a comprehensive stool test such as GI Effects Comprehensive 3 Day test by Genova Diagnostics would be a great choice for many neurological disorders that have a connection to dysbiosis, including Parkinson’s disease, but also those that have connections to leaky gut including Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease, as this test assesses the composition and functioning of the microbiome including markers for leaky gut.


Complementary and Integrative Medicine Options for Neurological Disorders

There are many complementary and integrative medicine options available for neurological disorders. Options for complementary or integrative approaches include nutrition, supplements and herbs, and sauna therapy.

Nutrition for Patients With Neurological Disorders

Many neurological diseases include inflammation as a component of the disease's etiology and progression. Thus, a low-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory diet may be the best overall choice for neurological conditions. The Mediterranean diet is a well-studied anti-inflammatory diet. This diet consists of healthy fats, including fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. It also focuses on the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, spices, legumes, beans, and minimally processed whole grains. The Mediterranean diet avoids excess and processed sugars and processed and artificial foods.

Top Supplements and Herbs for Patients with Neurological Disorders

There are many supplements that integrative practitioners use to help support the nervous tissue and manage inflammation in patients with neurological disorders. Here are the most common:

Fish Oil for Neurological Disorders

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids including EPA and DHA. These fats have been shown to affect the structure and function of nervous tissue, including modulating excitability and neuroinflammation. The consumption of fish oil, due to the omega-3 fatty acid content, was shown to support brain health in children and adults.

Dose: 1,200 mg/day for general support

Duration: Minimum 3 months

Fish oil may also be beneficial for those with multiple sclerosis. A systematic review revealed that fish oil had positive benefits for people with multiple sclerosis, including reduced relapse rates, lower inflammatory markers, and improved quality of life.

Dose: up to 6 grams

Duration: Up to 12 weeks

Fish oil has also been studied for Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia. Studies have shown fish oil consumption may support cognitive health. Additionally, other studies have shown improvements in mental exam scores and mood.

Dose: 4,000 mg (600 mg EPA, 1,600 DHA)/day

Duration: 6 months

Curcumin for Neurological Disorders

Turmeric is a well-known Indian spice sometimes called the "spice of life." One of the active constituents of turmeric is curcumin. It has numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer effects. Curcumin was shown to cross the blood-brain barrier and may help manage inflammation in the brain in those with Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, the antioxidant properties of curcumin may help neutralize reactive oxygen species that are damaging neurons in those with Parkinson’s disease.

Dose: 1.6 g/day

Duration: Dependent upon the patient

Vitamin D for Neurological Disorders

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin primarily made in the body from the sun's UV rays. A large amount of evidence points to vitamin D's role in multiple sclerosis. Supplementing with vitamin D at 400 IU per day may support overall health.

Dose: 400 IU/day

Duration: Indefinitely

Probiotics for Neurological Disorders

Probiotics are supplements that include beneficial microbes and are aimed at benefiting the gut microbiome. A study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience evaluated the effects of probiotic supplementation on patients with Parkinson’s disease. In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-control trial, 30 adults with Parkinson’s disease were given probiotics, and 30 others were given a placebo. Results showed significant improvements in cognitive functioning and certain metabolic markers as compared to the placebo group.

Dose: 200 ml/day of milk containing Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics

Duration: 12 weeks

Magnesium for Neurological Disorders

Magnesium is a mineral required for numerous biochemical pathways in the body. Magnesium may be helpful for those with epilepsy. Deficiencies of magnesium have been associated with the development of seizures. Additionally, magnesium has demonstrated effectiveness for people with seizures when given concurrently with their traditional medications. There are different types of magnesium, but only magnesium threonate is able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Dose: Magnesium threonate 2,000 mg (containing 144 mg elemental magnesium) once daily

Duration: At least 6-12 weeks



The neurological system affects every part of the body, from cognitive functioning to movements, to internal processes; the nervous system is of utmost importance. Various neurological conditions may benefit from the integration of complementary and integrative medicine, including functional medicine testing to further assess root causes and symptoms. Complementary and integrative options are vast and can be included in support plans for neurological conditions.

The information in this article is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. This information should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a doctor. Consult with a health care practitioner before relying on any information in this article or on this website.

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Hey practitioners! 👋 Join Dr. Chris Magryta and Dr. Erik Lundquist for a comprehensive 6-week course on evaluating functional medicine labs from two perspectives: adult and pediatric. In this course, you’ll explore the convergence of lab results across different diseases and age groups, understanding how human lab values vary on a continuum influenced by age, genetics, and time. Register Here! Register Here.

Hey practitioners! 👋 Join Dr. Robert Silverman for an insightful webinar, "Food Sensitivities, GLP-1, and Gut Health" on April 2nd at 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST. In this session, you'll gain insight into how GLP-1 may play a role in gut function, metabolism, and immune response, how food sensitivities may be linked to digestive discomfort, and practical strategies to help support gut health and overall well-being. Register now to secure your spot!