We are constantly exposed to toxins in our environment, in our food, and in our homes. While we all have some level of toxins in our body, prolonged or exaggerated toxic element exposure can cause serious health problems. For patients with symptoms of toxin exposure, testing toxic element levels can provide insight into the cause of disease and the detoxification plan needed. The Mercury Tri-Test® and the Blood Metals Panel from Quicksilver Scientific are two of the best tests for evaluating toxic elements. The combined panel of both tests provides a comprehensive analysis of toxic element exposure, nutrient element deficiencies, and the levels of both inorganic mercury and methyl mercury in the body.
The Mercury Tri-Test® assesses mercury exposure and the body’s mercury burden. It is analyzed through mercury speciation analysis, which separates inorganic mercury (HgII) from methyl mercury (MeHg). Inorganic mercury is found naturally in the environment and as a byproduct of industrial processes; methyl mercury is formed in aquatic environments from inorganic mercury and builds up in fish and shellfish. As each type of mercury is analyzed separately, this test provides a deeper understanding of mercury exposure and the detoxification therapy needed for the patient. This test is ideal for patients with known mercury exposure.
What is reported by the Mercury Tri-Test®?
The Mercury Tri-Test® reports methyl mercury in the blood, inorganic mercury in the blood, total mercury in the blood, mercury excreted in the urine, and mercury excreted in the hair.
The Mercury Tri-Test® requires three samples - a blood sample, a hair sample, and a urine sample. A phlebotomist must collect the blood sample at a draw laboratory; the patient cannot collect it at home. The phlebotomist will handle blood sample collection, preparation, and shipping. The hair and urine sample must be collected at home prior to the blood draw. Typically, the patient must bring these samples with them to the blood draw so that the phlebotomist can ship all of the samples together.
What is the Blood Metals Panel and what is it used for?
The Blood Metals Panel assesses toxic metal exposure and nutrient metal imbalances/deficiencies. Through its analysis of 16 metals, this test helps identify the proper detoxification or supplementation therapy needed for a patient. It can be used for patients with known toxic element exposure or those who are exhibiting symptoms of toxic element exposure, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, chills, abdominal pain, and weakness. It can be combined with the Mercury Tri-Test® for a better understanding of toxic metal exposure.
The Blood Metals panel reports the amounts of 16 different elements found in the blood - 8 nutrient elements (calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selinum, and zinc) and 8 toxic elements (antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, lead, mercury, silver, and strontium).
The Blood Metals Panel requires a blood sample. A phlebotomist must collect this sample at a draw laboratory; the patient cannot collect it at home. The phlebotomist handles sample collection, preparation, and shipping. Rupa Health is completely separate from phlebotomy and we do not have any partner draw sites or laboratories. If patients need assistance finding a phlebotomist, they can reach out to us at support@rupahealth.com and we will do our best to find a location for them.
Most practitioners with NPI numbers can order tests from Quicksilver Scientific. There are some restrictions on health coaches and nutritionists; you must hold certain certifications as a health coach or nutritionist if you want to order from Quicksilver. If you have questions about whether or not you can order this test, reach out to us at hello@rupahealth.com or through your Rupa Health portal.
There are a variety of tests similar to the Blood Metals Panel that measure toxic elements. These tests have a variety of sample types: blood (Elemental Analysis from Genova Diagnostics), stool (Metals Fecal Test from The Great Plains Laboratory), hair (Metals Hair Test from The Great Plains Laboratory), and, most commonly, urine. There are a variety of urine metal tests available, including the Urine Toxic Metals test from Doctor’s Data, the Heavy Metals Comprehensive Panel from Access Medical Labs, and the Heavy Meals test from Vibrant Wellness. All of these tests are available through Rupa Health’s catalog.
There are also a variety of tests from a variety of laboratories, including LabCorp, Doctor’s Data, and Access Medical Labs, that evaluate mercury levels in the blood, urine, and hair. However, the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test® is the only test that separates inorganic mercury from methyl mercury and analyzes them individually. This test, and the combined panel of both tests, are unique in the field of toxic element analysis and provide insights not found with any other test.